Crimson Arrow Degree
Why do you wear that emblem?
What emblem?
That crimson arrow?
Because I am a follower of Jehu.
Why do the followers of Jehu wear the crimson arrow?
Because they are warriors of the Lord and should fight against all idolatry and infidelity.
Why was the arrow crimson?
Because it was dyed in the heart blood of Jehoram that wicked and idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel.”
Where are you from?
Where are you going?
To Jezreel.
How do you intend to get there?
By the benefit of a password
Have you that password?
I have
Will you give it to me?
I will, if you begin.
The young man the prophet whom Elisha sent!
Friend I perceive you to be a Knight of the Crimson Arrow, prove me further and you will see clearer.
How were you prepared to become a Knight of the Crimson Arrow?
Whilst sitting in a counsel of war amongst my brethren the young man the prophet whom Elisha sent entered and said I have an errand to thee oh captain.
What did he do unto you?
He took me up and carried me into an inner chamber and there told me of the strange duties I had to perform.
What strange duties had you to perform?
Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Black Institution:
Even the Divine decree purposed against that wicked and idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel.
Did he assist you in any way?
He not only enjoined me in the strange duties I had to perform, but furnished me with armour and power, to carry them into execution.
What kind of armour?
Carnal armour.
What kind of power?
Spiritual power.
Can you describe the arrow to me as carnal?
First the arrow was carnal that smote Ahab between the joints of the harness. Second the arrow was carnal when Jehu drew his bow at full strength and smote Jehoram between the arms the arrow passing out at his heart. Third the arrow was carnal that Elijah used to convey spiritual means. Fourth the arrow was carnal that was dyed in the blood of Calvary. Has the armour any time changed since the days of your Grand Master Jehu. It has thus changed, it is no more carnal but spiritual and mighty even to the pulling down of strongholds.
Can you describe it to me as spiritual?
First the girdle of truth, second the breastplate of righteousness, third the sandals on which the gospel was preached, fourth the shield of faith, fifth the helmet of salvation and sixth the sword of the Spirit.
Have you a number?
I have.
What is your number?
Three and a half.
Do you mean three score and ten?
I do, which makes my number seventy.
Why do you take seventy for your number?
Because of the seventy heads that were sent from Samaria, to Jehu in Jezreel in token that the Divine decree of vengeance had been carried into execution against the wicked and idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel. H
ave you the great and grand password of the Knight of the Crimson Arrow?
I have.
Will you give it to me?
I did not so obtain it neither will I give it but finding you to be a brother I will letter or divide it with you.
Letter it and begin.
No begin you.
E-L-I-S-H-A, Elisha!
Why do you take Elisha for your great and grand password?
Because he called me to execute the Divine decree of vengeance, purposed against the wicked and idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel.
Did you do so?
Yes, and Jehu slew all that remained of the wicked and idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel.
All his great men, all his kinsfolk and all his priests, until he left not one remaining.
The emblems worn for this degree is a crimson arrow protruding through the heart representing the fate of Jehoram for his infidelity. The lesson we learn from this degree is one of sincerity. By the continuous practice of false religion the house of Ahab gained notoriety and their advancement in obstinate idolatry had built a wall of wickedness around them, with which they defied the power of God. But when the arrow of judgment delivered from the bow of righteousness went forth justice took the place of mercy and sudden destruction visited the idolatrous son and seed of the house of Ahab and Jezebel. In the justice of God their punishment was uncommonly terrible and as it stood as a warning to Israel it should also stand as a warning to us, that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.
We would recommend a revealing book written by David W Daniels – Should A Christian Be A Mason:
All the Black Degrees
The Royal Black Institution consists of eleven degrees, as follows: –
(1) Royal Black degree – exposed and biblically examined
(2) Royal Scarlet Degree – exposed and biblically examined
(3) Royal Mark degree – exposed and biblically examined
(4) Apron and Royal Blue degree – exposed and biblically examined
(5) Royal White degree – exposed and biblically examined
(6) Royal Green degree – exposed and biblically examined
(7) Gold Crown degree – exposed and biblically examined
(8) Gold Star and Garter degree – exposed and biblically examined
(9) Crimson Arrow degreee – exposed and biblically examined
(10) Gold Link and Chain degree – exposed and biblically examined
(11) Red Cross degree – exposed and biblically examined
The Institution also possesses a final retrospective degree, which is essentially an overview of the 11 degrees that the candidate has traversed.
Red Cross Grand Charge – exposed
Other Info
Purchase direct: Inside the Royal Black Institution
Testimonies from former leading Royal Blackmen Rev. Canon Brian T. Blacoe (former Deputy Grand Chaplain of the Royal Black Institution), Malcolm McClughan (former Royal Black Lecturer) and David Carson (Chairman of the United Protestant Council).
A book for Blackmen to seriously consider by Cecil Andrew of Take Heed Ministries.
The “Protestant” Knight of Malta exposed
The solid and unrelenting opposition of GOLI to the RAP and the RBI
The history of the Royal Black Institution
The history of the Black degrees
For more information read Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult by Jack Harris