Banbridge Chronicle

23rd Sept 2009

Black ritual claims ‘inaccurate’

Royal Black Institution response to the release of Inside the Royal Black Institution by prominent County Down Blackman Drew Nelson (who was also Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland)

Dromore solicitor and member of the Royal Black Institution, Drew Nelson, has dismissed as “inaccuracies” extraordinary claims made by Seapatrick author Paul Malcomson last week in relations to the organization.

In his book ‘Inside the Royal Black Institution’, Mr Malcomson claims that new members are made to drink from a human skull.

He also alleges that members are subjected to degrading rituals, such as being semi-stripped.

Mr Nelson explained that he joined the Royal Black Institution almost 30 years ago and received all the degrees within one year after joining. He stressed that he was “never” subjected to a degrading ritual. “I was never stripped,” he said. “I was never asked to drink from a human skull.”

“The Royal Black Institution is a Christian organization which does a vast amount of good work quietly in its own way, and I am proud to be a member.”

The Chronicle contacted the Royal Black Institution last week; however, a spokesperson for the organization indicated that no response would be issued until the book had been studied in detail.

Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Black Institution:

Original Banbridge Chronicle article – Macabre rituals detailed in book
Evangelical response to Sir Knight Nelson from Paul Malcomson

Newspaper articles relating to Evangelical Truth 

Belfast Telegraph – Inside the Royal Arch Purple Order
Belfast Newsletter – Northern Ireland’s loyal orders ‘mirror freemasonry’
Irish News – Man lifts lid on secrets of Arch Purple Order
The Observer – Satanic secrets of the Orange Order
Irish News – Order denies links with loyalist group
The New Zealand Herald – Orange Order ‘pagan’ rites under attack!
Sunday World – Weirdo Order exposed by member
Irish Independent –  Flagging Freemasons secret society admits RTE cameras in desperate bid to recruit
Irish News – Twelfth parades – tourist attraction or sad travesty?
Irish Daily Star columnist  John Coulter – The best piece of anti-Protestant propaganda since the notorious Proclamation of the 1916 Easter Rising
Irish News  – Secrets of Royal Black Institution revealed
Sunday World – New Book Exposes Black
Banbridge Chronicle – Macabre rituals detailed in book (Black Response) (Evangelical Truth response)
Lisburn Star – Local author embraced for controversy over book on Royal Black institution
Newry Democrat – Oaths in some groups require candidates to conceal other members’ secrets, says author
Irish News columnist Roy Garland  – “Fundamentalists, not Jesuits, infiltrated the loyal orders”

Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Arch Purple by W P Malcomson: