Mormon Secrets and Rituals Exposed

The initiation ceremony into Temple Mormonism was derived directly from Freemasonry. The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, was himself a dedicated Freemason who was able to lure many fellow Masons into his new-found body. He used Freemasonry as the model for Mormonism and introduced much of the Order’s esoteric practices, teaching and symbols into his cult.

The initiation for both bodies takes on a similar form. Shrouded in great secrecy and mystery they share matching passwords, handshakes and door-knocks. They commence their ceremonies with a similar oath of allegiance (which includes a vow of chastity). They divest their candidates of personal (worldly) garments. They subject their candidates to a trying initiation ceremony. The Mormon even goes through the Masonic ‘five points of fellowship’. The Mormon also subjects himself to the same evil blood-thirsty penalties for disloyalty to the cult as that of Freemasonry. They finally point their initiates to the same Christless hell.

The Mormon symbols, which are found in their temples, on their literature, and on the individual Mormons under-garments have been acquired, in total, from pagan Masonry. From the sun, moon and stars, and the all-seeing eye, to the five-pointed star and more, the origins of this imagery is clear.

The parallels between Mormonism and the Orange Order are unquestionable and there is little doubt that both bodies are derived from the same polluted source.

We recommend The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge by John Ankerberg and John Weldon


red_dot The History of the Orange Order
red_dot The Royal Arch Purple oath
red_dot Properly Prepared
red_dot A hostile reception
red_dot The Five Points of Fellowship
red_dot Riding the goat
red_dot The Orange Order Blood Curdling Penalties
red_dot Mystical enlightenment
red_dot A false hope
red_dot Symbolism


For more information, please William Schnoebelen’s enlightening book Masonry Beyond the Light