A detailed examination of the Orange Order degrees and rituals
We take an exclusive look at the Orange Order degrees. We undertake a detailed examination of the Orange Order degrees, rituals and secrets. We analze in full detail the mystical internal rituals, secrets, workings and degrees of the Orange Order. We note the innate esoteric nature of Orangeism (the Orange Order). We reveal the mysteries. We study the teaching. We disclose the practices and examine all these by the Word of God.
First degree: The Orange Degree
Qualifications of an Orangeman
Orange Order obligation (oath) exposed
Catechism and Address
Orange Order teaching biblically examined
Second degree: The Plain (or small) Purple Degree
This degree was abolished by the Orange Order in Scotland as its second degree in 1902 and was replaced with the Royal Arch Purple degree. Many other Orange juristictions have since followed suit.
Third degree: “Royal” Arch Purple Degree
This degree is an integral part of the Orange Order worldwide apart from Ireland where it belongs to a separate yet inextricably linked organisation called the Royal Arch Purple Chapter. However, 95% of Irish Orangemen today are initiated through this neo-Masonic degree. The Royal Arch Purple Ritual itself has largely replaced the Plain Purple as the second degree within Orangeism although it exists in England as the third degree (behind the Orange and Plain Purple degrees). It is worth noting that this ritualistic degree is owned by the much smaller Independent Orange Institution (like the Grand Lodge of England) as its third degree.
The Royal Arch Purple OathThe Royal Arch Purple Death PenaltiesThe Royal Arch Purple degree
A Biblical Analysis of the Royal Arch Purple degree
Royal Black Degrees
The Royal Black Institution consists of eleven degrees, as follows:
(1) Royal Black degree – exposed and biblically examined
(2) Royal Scarlet Degree – exposed and biblically examined
(3) Royal Mark degree – exposed and biblically examined
(4) Apron and Royal Blue degree – exposed and biblically examined
(5) Royal White degree – exposed and biblically examined
(6) Royal Green degree – exposed and biblically examined
(7) Gold Crown degree – exposed and biblically examined
(8) Gold Star and Garter degree – exposed and biblically examined
(9) Crimson Arrow degreee – exposed and biblically examined
(10) Gold Link and Chain degree – exposed and biblically examined
(11) Red Cross degree – exposed and biblically examined
The Institution also possesses a final retrospective degree, which is essentially an overview of the 11 degrees that the candidate has traversed.
Red Cross Grand Charge – exposed
The Royal Black Institution Oath
Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Arch Purple by W P Malcomson:
Freemasonry’s Degrees exposed?
Points to consider
What should I do?
Questions that Christian Orangemen should consider
Biblical doctrine on its deathbed!
Testimonies from former members
The Loyal Orders and British Israelism
Orange Order British Israelism teaching
British Israelism – the underlying theology of the Loyal Orders
The British Israelism thinking behind the Orange Order
The Royal Black Institution and British Israelism
British Israelism Exposed
British Israelism Refuted
Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Black Institution: