Orange Order obligation exposed
Orange Order oath examined
The Orange Order obligation is taken by every Orangemen. This oath binds the Orange Order candidate to his new brethren. We expose this Orange obligation in full.
The Obligation (or Oath) of an Orangeman goes as follows:
“I, A.B., do so solemnly and voluntarily declare, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty the King; and that I will to the utmost of my power support and maintain the laws and constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as established by William the Third of glorious memory, and the succession to the throne in his Majesty’s illustrious House, being Protestant.
‘I do declare that I am not, nor ever was, a Roman-Catholic or Papist; that I was not, am not, or ever will be, a member of any other society or body of men, who are enemies to his Majesty, or the glorious constitution of these realms; and that I never took the oath to that or any other treasonable society.
I declare that I will, as far as in my power lies; assist the magistrates and civil authorities of these kingdoms in the lawful execution of their official duties, when called upon. That I will be true and faithful to every brother Orangeman in all just actions; that I will not wrong, or know him to be wronged or injured, without giving due notice thereof, if in my power. And I solemnly declare that I will always conceal, and never will reveal either part or parts of what is now to privately communicated to me, unless to a brother Orangeman, knowing him to be so by strict trial and due examination; or from the word of a brother Orangeman, or until I shall be authorized so to do by the proper authorities of the Orange Institution. That I will not write it, indite it, cut carve, stain, stamp, or engrave it, or cause it to be done, lest any part thereof might be known. And lastly, I do declare that I have not, to my knowledge or belief, been proposed or rejected in, or expelled from any other Orange Lodge.
Qualifications of an Orangeman
An evangelical response
The Covenanter Witness (Reformed Presbyterian)
Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Arch Purple by W P Malcomson: