Royal Green Degree



Why do you wear that colour?

What colour?

Royal Green?

Because my apron was green.

Why did you wear an apron?

Because I was ashamed.

Why were you ashamed?

Because I was naked.

Where are you from?

The Garden.

What garden?

The Garden of Eden.

What have you been doing there?

Planting and cultivating it.

Why did you leave the garden?

Because I was thrust out.

Will you return to the garden?


Why not?

Because of a flaming sword that was placed in the east corner of the garden to testify that nothing common or unclean could enter therein.

Where are you going?

To the Mount.

What mount?

Mount Ararat.

How do you intend to get there?

By the benefit of a password.

Have you that password?

I have.

Will you give it to me?

I will, if you begin.

Lo and behold yonder she cometh!

Have you a number?

I have.

What is your number?


What three?

The three sons of Noah.

Who where they?

Shem, Ham and Joppa.

Do you intend to remain at the mount?


Read a detailed exposure of the Royal Black Institution:

Where are you going?

To the isle.

What isle?

The Isle of Patmos.

How do you intend to get there?

By crossing the Mediterranean.

Have you the Mediterranean Pass.

I have.

Will you give it to me?

The waters are assuaged!

What do you intend to do at the Isle of Patmos.

Labour and till the ground and earn my bread by the sweat of my brow. As you can see by my pick, spade and rake, for dust I am and unto dust I shall return.

Have you the great and grand password of The Knights of Royal Green.

I have.

Will you give it to me?

I did not so obtain it neither will I give it but finding you to be a brother I will word it or divide it with you.

Divide it and begin.

No begin you.

The great arch of the covenant or the rainbow wherein are contained all the colours we now possess!


This degree is divided into three parts, the first part teaches us of the fall of man, the second part of the righteousness of Noah and the third part of the punishment inflicted upon man for his transgression of the Divine law. The emblems worn for this degree are the pick, spade and rake and the dove with the olive leaf in its mouth. The pick, spade and rake are agricultural implements. The pick is used to dig up and separate the soil, the spade is used to plant and cultivate, the rake is used to smooth the surface. The dove with the olive leaf in its mouth been emblematic of peace teaches us that we should seek peace and ensue it. The lesson we learn from this degree is one of truthfulness, for as by deceit and falsehood man fell from his lofty position, likewise by truth and righteousness hath man been again exalted. Thus truth being a divine attribute we should cultivate it so that are labours may flourish in immortal green.

We would recommend a revealing book written by David W Daniels – Should A Christian Be A Mason:

All the Black Degrees

The Royal Black Institution consists of eleven degrees, as follows: –

(1) Royal Black degree – exposed and biblically examined
(2) Royal Scarlet Degree – exposed and biblically examined
(3) Royal Mark degree – exposed and biblically examined
(4) Apron and Royal Blue degree – exposed and biblically examined
(5) Royal White degree – exposed and biblically examined
(6) Royal Green degree – exposed and biblically examined
(7) Gold Crown degree – exposed and biblically examined
(8) Gold Star and Garter degree – exposed and biblically examined
(9) Crimson Arrow degreee – exposed and biblically examined
(10) Gold Link and Chain degree – exposed and biblically examined
(11) Red Cross degree – exposed and biblically examined

The Institution also possesses a final retrospective degree, which is essentially an overview of the 11 degrees that the candidate has traversed.

Red Cross Grand Charge – exposed

Other Info

Purchase direct: Inside the Royal Black Institution

Testimonies from former leading Royal Blackmen Rev. Canon Brian T. Blacoe (former Deputy Grand Chaplain of the Royal Black Institution), Malcolm McClughan (former Royal Black Lecturer) and David Carson (Chairman of the United Protestant Council).

A book for Blackmen to seriously consider by Cecil Andrew of Take Heed Ministries.

The “Protestant” Knight of Malta exposed
The solid and unrelenting opposition of GOLI to the RAP and the RBI
The history of the Royal Black Institution
The history of the Black degrees

For more information read Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult by Jack Harris