Testimonies from former members
Testimonies from some of the many evangelicals currently resigning from the Orange Order, the Royal Arch Purple Order and the Royal Black Institution for biblical reasons.
Former Royal Black Deputy Grand Chaplain (Rev. Canon Brian T. Blacoe)
Former Royal Black Lecturer, Orange Worshipful Master and Royal Arch Purple Worshipful Master (Malcolm McClughan)
United Protestant Council Chairman (David Carson)
Former County Down Orange Treasurer, Worshipful Master, Deputy Master, and Chaplain – Jackson Blakely
Former County Londonderry Orange and Royal Arch Purpleman Andrew Evans
Former County Armagh Orange, Royal Arch Purple and (Red Cross) Blackman Alex Newell
Former County Tyrone Orange Chaplain and Orange/Small Purple Lecturer Paul Stewart (also former Red Cross Blackman)
Read a detailed exposure:
Evangelical Truth response to Grand Chaplain to the Grand Lodge of England (Rev. Richard Harvey) booklet attacking Behind Closed Doors: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Grand Orange Lodge of Canada (4 degrees)
The Canadian Orange is quite different from the rest of global Orangeism. It has integrated a couple of degrees from the Royal Black into its degree system.
1st degree: Orange degree
2nd degree: Plain (or Small) Purple degree
3rd degree: Royal Arch Purple degree
4th degree: Royal Scarlet Degree
The Loyal Orders and British Israelism
Orange Order British Israelism teaching
British Israelism – the underlying theology of the Loyal Orders
The British Israelism thinking behind the Orange Order
The Royal Black Institution and British Israelism
British Israelism Exposed
British Israelism Refuted
Biblical response to Rev. Ron Johnstone (Royal Arch Purple Chapter spokesman): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
What should I do?
Questions that Christian Orangemen should consider
Biblical doctrine on its deathbed!
A biblical analysis of the Royal Arch Purple degree
Recommended reading: